As for further travel plans, I now have my departure date set, the flight has yet to be booked but the leaving do is planned. I have been offered a job at my old school in Bangkok, which I am absolutely thrilled about; it was hit and miss as to whether I’d get a job again there as it’s such a good school, but they seem eager to have me back. Hopefully Nick can get a job there as well, they’ve shown interest in him for a job teaching part PE and part remedial classes. This is every teachers dream job; getting to run around outside doing something fun for half the time, then get to relax back in the air-can teaching small specialist groups the rest of the time. Thanks to Nicole we have an apartment sorted already, she’s leaving us with a pretty much fully equipped pad while she heads off for a few months of beach bumming (otherwise known as 'becoming a dive instructor). If all goes to plan then we’ll get there at the start of April, dump bags and head straight off to Tioman and Perhentian islands in Malaysia to catch up on our water time for a month or so. Can’t wait. Think I’ve forgotten everything. God help me next time I have to teach a course.
Ok...think I’ve gone on enough. If you’ve bothered to read to this point then you really must be bored and in need of taking up a new hobby. So ciao for now, and for those of you who fancy a visit to Asia, Nick and I are getting a two-bed apartment with pool so you’re more than welcome to come and abuse our hospitality.
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